- SOLD - A1/A2 -Luna was born 4/16/2022 with a perfect crescent moon mark on her forehead. 24" at birth, she will grow into a taller mini or shorter mid-size Jersey. Luna is very sweet-tempered, we are currently working on familiarizing her with the halter....

Our free range hens are one of the cornerstones of our farm. We have always wanted to raise our own egg layers in an environment where they can go where they want, eat what they natural prefer, and give us healthy, nutrient-dense eggs.Our flock is...

American Guinea Hogs are a heritage breed of swine that traces back to the times of the first colonists in America. Once nearly extinct, the American Guinea Hog Association is working hard to protect and revitalize this breed. AGHs are a slower growing, lard hog that...

Durin is our gentle giant. He is tall and lean, standing 30" to the shoulder at only 1 year of age. Durin is sensitive, patient, and incredibly sweet with our family and animals. His personality makes him a great supporter in the pack, he is...

We are excited to have MAR Koda join Heritage Pines Farm as our first Livestock Guardian pup. He is a Colorado Mountain Dog, a newer breed concept that is being developed specifically for temperament and intelligence. CMDs have the guarding abilities of traditional Livestock Guardians,...

- SOLD - A2/A2 - We recently acquired our first mini Jersey heifer to be our family milk cow. We call her Dottie, but her full name is RMF Little Dot from Rose Manor Farms in Minnesota. We look forward to breeding her to our bull,...