With the recent volatility of egg prices, and the ambiguity of food labeling, there's never been a better time to start your own small scale egg production system than right now. If you've been toying with the thought of adding a little flock of happy...

Why did we choose Heritage breeds of Hogs?Most hogs today are bred for confinement and minimal human interaction. They grow fast and furious but lack many of the natural instincts of heritage hogs, such as farrowing (birthing) without assistance, or maternal instincts. Our heritage breeds...

During our active herd share months, we test our milk monthly via the Colorado State University Veterinary Diagnostics Laboratory. The quality and purity of the milk we provide for is extremely important to us! We’re proud to say we’ve always tested well under the maximum...

Our pork comes from our Heritage Hogs that we rotated through our pine forests all summer. Here are some facts on the nutritional benefits to pork that is raised outdoors either on pasture or in our case, in the forest:Less saturated fat, more heart-healthy polyunsaturated...

Why did we choose miniature Jersey cows for our Small Family Farm? I believe it was providential. I had originally looked into a dual purpose Highland breed, but when one shaggy cow pointed her horns and stomped her hoof at me, my heart nearly jumped...

We love eggs! Here are some facts and info we thought you might like to know.1 / Why unwashed eggs?Eggs are amazing! When they are laid, they have a protective layer called a “Bloom” or “Cuticle” that acts as a defense system against air and...

In April, we had a wonderful guest, Jeradawn, visit us. We had a wonderful time connecting with her, showing her the farm, and getting to know her better. We asked her to share a little about her stay. The following is in her own words....

I first posted this on our social media on April 10, 2022. I feel it is a good reflection on why we're doing what we're doing, so I wanted to repost it here as well.I hesitated to post this from last week but this is...

For those who are joining us on our farming journey by investing in a farm share, this is what you can expect from the benefits of your share:Free Range Eggs Free range, farm fresh, collected daily. Our hens are fed USDA Organic, non-GMO feed that is...

If you've never bought directly from a farm before, the thought of getting in on a Meat Share might be daunting. We hope our step-by-step guide on How to Buy a Meat Share will help ease you into this very practical and beneficial way of...