Our pork comes from our Heritage Hogs that we rotated through our pine forests all summer. Here are some facts on the nutritional benefits to pork that is raised outdoors either on pasture or in our case, in the forest:
Less saturated fat, more heart-healthy polyunsaturated fats
Higher in Omega-3’s (lowers the Omega-6: Omega-3 ratio)
Higher levels of Protein and vitamin E
More Vitamin D in the Lard from being out in the sun
Happy hogs = healthy hogs (our processor/butcher praised us on how healthy our meat and animals look)
Rotational foraging means greater parasite resistance, less disease – we haven’t had to use chemical dewormers, antibiotics, hormones, etc.
Image & fact from the Rodale Institute – “97% of commercial hogs are raised in small, indoor, concrete-floored pens. Almost half are raised on Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO), also known as factory farms. These intense operations lead to overcrowding, animal stress, disease, and excessive waste.”
Heritage Pines Farm Pork
We rotate our hogs through our pine forest over the summer, and they are kept in outdoor pens through the winter. They forage all day and are fed alfalfa & organic corn-free/soy-free feed. They contribute to soil health and benefit from natural inputs like the sun.