07 Jun Free Range Eggs – FAQs
We love eggs! Here are some facts and info we thought you might like to know.
1 / Why unwashed eggs?
Eggs are amazing! When they are laid, they have a protective layer called a “Bloom” or “Cuticle” that acts as a defense system against air and bacteria. Washing eggs, even in water, removes the bloom. Since eggshells are naturally porous, washing them can actually put them at greater risk of contamination.
2 / How long do unwashed eggs last?
According to Better Hens & Gardens, unwashed eggs can be left out on the counter for TWO WEEKS unrefrigerated. If you store them in the refrigerator, they are good for THREE MONTHS! Amazing!
3 / What’s so great about our eggs?
An egg is as good and healthy as the hen who laid it. Our laying hens are 100% free-range, meaning we open their coop door in the morning and they can go anywhere on our property they want until they put themselves to bed at night. Anywhere, except inside the house, I guess! They spend their days foraging, taking dust baths, laying in the sun, scratching, pecking, and bawk bawking.
Our hens are also fed a USDA Organic, Corn-Free Soy-Free feed, that looks like real grain! We ferment some of our feed for extra probiotics, greater nutrient absorption, and healthier digestive tracts! (Here’s a neat article on the benefits of fermenting chicken feed)
4 / Why are our eggs all different colors?
Different breeds of chickens lay different color eggs! And no, brown eggs aren’t healthier than white eggs, the color makes no difference (I actually used to think this!) We love having a beautiful array of colorful eggs, and a diverse flock of hens, that’s why we have chosen to raise so many breeds.
Size & level of production also depends on the breed. Some, like Rhode Island Reds, are known for laying large brown eggs and being very consistent layer throughout the year. That’s why they’re popular along big egg producers. Other breeds lay smaller colorful eggs and may not lay as frequently.
5 / Are there health benefits of Free Range Eggs?
This Delish.com article sums it up nicely. Free range eggs:
- Are more balanced in nutrition (think Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratios)
- Have more Vitamin D
- Come from happier , more humanely raised chickens
- Contain less cholesterol
- Offer more protein on less calories to keep you feeling full and full of energy longer
- Have richer colored yolks (purely for aesthetic appeal)
Just make sure you know exactly what Free Range means on your egg carton! Factory farms can fake “Free Range” due to a lack of solidified guidelines. They can call chickens packed tightly into an enclosed warehouse “Free Range” because they’re not in cages.
For more info on how to understand labeling & more benefits of Free Range Eggs, check out this Mother Earth News page.